
The customizable solution for fleet management
Data to be collected, events to be recorded, collection intervals and transmission mode are freely customizable by the user. The data history is available at any time and can be shown with no additional costs.
Alarm forwarding procedures activation, e-mail alerts
Every on-board detected data can be configured in order to activate an automatic procedure: for example, one event can be set to send mails, and another one to share the invoicing data with the Company ERP System.
Vehicle diagnostic data collection
Through vehicle interfaces (OBD, FMS, CAN) a vehicle can be remotely checked for a better scheduling of the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance activities.
Hands-free mode
On-board computer can be used as an hand-free device: depending on the configuration a SIM card can be read directly or, the on-board computer can be paired to your mobile phone using Bluetooth® feature.
Driving hours and working activities monitoring
The system allows the driving and working activities hours data collection directly by the tachograph and the creation of ‘ad hoc’ events to obtain customized statistics.
Final report, comparative analysis and route deviations
Detailed reports comparing the planned activities to those actually performed, graphical and tabular representations of ongoing activities, visualization of the percentage completed.
Free choise about your data management – Company Internal Server or TEQ Datacenter
TEQMonitoring® can be installed on the internal server or can be supplied as a service through the professional TEQ Datacenter.
Free choise between purchase or annual subscription
Full costs transparency: the on-board computer can be purchaised or can be hired through a rental contract
Integration into Company informatic existing systems
The applications aiming to increase the work efficiency must integrate with external systems: our operational centre software and on-board computer have been totally developed by TEQ, which can grant the customization of both on board and office system according to customer’s specific needs.